Hokuyo Node Frame ID problem for Slam
I'm trying to do slam with hector_mapping. I have setted up all the necessary steps. All the transforms have been made. But when I run the rviz it seems there is no transform between base_link and laser. But actually it is published with static transform publisher and I confirmed that with tf_monitor.
When I run tf_monitor for base_link and laser, under laser it says "NO PARENT". These brings to my mind if there is problem with hokuyo_node. When I look at it, it seems ok and frame_id is setted to laser.
I really get confused with that. Any helps appreciated.
Can you post the commandline or parameters you are using for your static transform publisher? Also you could post your tf tree from
rosrun tf view_frames
.check out http://answers.ros.org/question/92026/static-latch-frames-not-shown-in-tf-frame-graph/ looks related.