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CRAM-based control system - what to start from

asked 2013-04-03 09:44:11 -0500

johnkorn gravatar image

Hello, everyone! I participate in one robotics project at my University. it is development of high-level control system for full-sized humanoid robot. It will be used to manipulate objects and to navigate in office-like environment (e.g. his task could be "find a blue ball on a table and bring it to me"). I want to use CRAM for this. I've studied some papers about CRAM and KnowRob, walked through tutorials, I understand main principles and architecture of CRAM. but what now? What should I start from? my colleagues are currently writing initial ros package to abstract low-level mechanisms. Can anyone provide an example of CRAM-based control system? Should I first fill in the knowledge base with needed data (furniture, room description etc.) or should I write some simple plans?

any help is appreciated..

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answered 2013-04-05 02:46:33 -0500

ddimarco gravatar image

Probably you already know the tutorials at There are some more advanced examples by the authors of CRAM in their GitHub repository, see e.g.

I would start out by writing some simple CRAM plans without KnowRob at first to get used to the system. Later you can extend these to make use of KnowRob queries.

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Thank you, ddimarco. That link you provided was really helpfull. main thing that i realized is that there is a lot of hard and very interesting work ahead!))

johnkorn gravatar image johnkorn  ( 2013-04-14 10:00:22 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2013-04-03 09:44:11 -0500

Seen: 274 times

Last updated: Apr 05 '13