how to use bag files with ccny_rgbd
ubuntu 12.04 and fuerte
I want to run the ccny_rgbd with the tum kinect datasets. I am not sure how exaclty to change the setting in launch files and or other files to make them work.
In both launch files, vo+mapping.launch and visual_odometry.launch, i added
<param name="use_sim_time" value="true" />
<remap from="/rgbd/depth" to="/camera/depth/image" />
<remap from="/rgbd/rgb" to="/camera/rgb/image" />
<remap from="/rgbd/info" to="/camera/rgb/camera_info" />
and I play the rosbag file with rosbag play --clock option.
Any suggestions to get this to work
Datasets publish the depth and rgb images on /camera/depth/image and /camera/rgb/image and camera info on /camera/rgb/camera_info. Now the topics are remapped in the correct way?
They should be correct. This might help: