ROSARIA running on a PeopleBot
I've succesfully downloaded and rosmaked RosAria package. Now, I'm going to use it, to remotely control PeopleBot from my personal computer.
The problem is, when I start rosrun ROSARIA RosAria on PeopleBot it says:
using port: [/dev/ttyS0]
ArLog::init: File(aria.log) Verbose Logging Time Not also printing
setup failed...
Info from the logfile :
Thu Mar 21 10:35:49 Could not connect to simulator, connecting to robot through serial port /dev/ttyS0.
Thu Mar 21 10:35:49 ArSerialConnection::open: Connecting to serial port '/dev/ttyS0'
Thu Mar 21 10:35:49 ArSerialConnection::open: Successfully opened and configured serial port '/dev/ttyS0'.
Thu Mar 21 10:35:49 Syncing 0
Thu Mar 21 10:35:50 No packet.
Thu Mar 21 10:35:50 Syncing 0
Thu Mar 21 10:35:51 No packet.
Thu Mar 21 10:35:51 Trying to close possible old connection
Thu Mar 21 10:35:51 Sent: comInt(2, 1)
Thu Mar 21 10:35:51 Sent: comInt(2, 1)
Thu Mar 21 10:35:51 Sent: comInt(2, 1)
Thu Mar 21 10:35:51 Sent: comInt(2, 1)
Thu Mar 21 10:35:51 Sent: comInt(2, 1)
Thu Mar 21 10:35:51 Syncing 0
Thu Mar 21 10:35:52 No packet.
Thu Mar 21 10:35:52 Syncing 0
Thu Mar 21 10:35:54 No packet.
Thu Mar 21 10:35:54 Robot may be connected but not open, trying to dislodge.
Thu Mar 21 10:35:54 Syncing 0
Thu Mar 21 10:35:55 No packet.
Thu Mar 21 10:35:55 Robot may be connected but not open, trying to dislodge.
Thu Mar 21 10:35:55 Syncing 0
Thu Mar 21 10:35:56 No packet.
Thu Mar 21 10:35:56 Could not connect, no robot responding.
Thu Mar 21 10:35:56 Failed to connect to robot.
Thu Mar 21 10:35:56 ArSerialConnection::close: Successfully closed serial port.
Thu Mar 21 10:35:56 rotate: Could not connect to robot! Exiting.
What can I do to connect to the robot? And what does it mean Robot may be connected but not open?
UP: I checked accordingly to http _ :// settings of IRQs for each serial, but still I cannot use Aria, to move the robot.
UP again: It turns out there's a big RED button, that has to be released in order to move robot around :)
So now the robot is moving (I used ./demo in usr/local/share/Aria/ to check everything is okay). But not with the rosrun ROSARIA RosAria - this command doesn't move the robot.
Any help will be appreciated, Thank you in advance!
Are you using the correct port? Make sure you are not using /dev/ttyUSB0 for example instead of /dev/ttyS0
What is a correct port? if /dev/ttyS0 then yes, I'm using it.
If you connect your robot using a USB cable the port is /dev/ttyUSB0, but if you connect using a serial wire then you must use the serial port /dev/ttyS0. Moreover, the ports should have permissions for reading and writing
Ports have the permissions. I don't connect anything to PeopleBot - I'm using it's onboard computer. I installed new Ubuntu (from scratch) on PeopleBot's hard disk - is it possible that there's a problem with some serial configs in Ubuntu?
Then, you should know which port does peoplebot use to connect to its onboard computer. Answering your question, the only problem I can think of is permissions, but you have already said they are writable.