Installation of explore package in Groovy (ubuntu 12.10)
Hello, I have been trying to install the ROS explore package: Unfortunately, there are no binaries available in the form of
apt-get install ros-groovy-*
Therefore, I downloaded it from the svn repository and tried to compile it with rosmake, but I have received the following error:
/opt/ros/rosws/exploration/explore/include/explore/explore_frontier.h:45:34: fatal error: LinearMath/btVector3.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated.
I googled the error, and tried to install several packpages like libbullet-dev liblinear-dev but the problem is still there, thus any help is appreciated. Thank you!
hello, have you solved the problem? I meet the same problem with you, if you get it through, please help me, thank you.