Infra Red Sensor in Gazebo [closed]
I'm using ROS electric and I want to simulate an IRSensor in Gazebo. I've found a tutorial about creating new plugins but it works only for Fuerte. Anyone can help me to understand how to create a new controller gazebo_ros_IR similar to gazebo_ros_laser.
I looked at gazebo plugins and on the base of gazebo_ros laser I created a new package with two files:
#define USE_CBQ
#ifdef USE_CBQ
#include <ros/callback_queue.h>
#include <ros/advertise_options.h>
#include <gazebo/Controller.hh>
#include <gazebo/Param.hh>
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <sensor_msgs/Range.h>
namespace gazebo
class IRSensor;
class GazeboRosIr : public Controller
/// \brief Constructor
/// \param parent The parent entity, must be a Model or a Sensor
public: GazeboRosIr(Entity *parent);
/// \brief Destructor
public: virtual ~GazeboRosIr();
/// \brief Load the controller
/// \param node XML config node
protected: virtual void LoadChild(XMLConfigNode *node);
/// \brief Init the controller
protected: virtual void InitChild();
/// \brief Update the controller
protected: virtual void UpdateChild();
/// \brief Finalize the controller
protected: virtual void FiniChild();
/// \brief Put laser data to the ROS topic
private: void PutIrData();
/// \brief Keep track of number of connctions
private: int IrConnectCount;
private: void IrConnect();
private: void IrDisconnect();
private: int deprecatedIrConnectCount;
private: void DeprecatedIrConnect();
private: void DeprecatedIrDisconnect();
/// \brief The parent sensor
private: IRSensor *myParent;
/// \brief pointer to ros node
private: ros::NodeHandle* rosnode_;
private: ros::Publisher pub_;
private: ros::Publisher deprecated_pub_;
/// \brief ros message
private: sensor_msgs::Range irMsg;
/// \brief topic name
private: ParamT<std::string> *topicNameP;
private: std::string topicName;
private: ParamT<std::string> *deprecatedTopicNameP;
private: std::string deprecatedTopicName;
/// \brief frame transform name, should match link name
private: ParamT<std::string> *frameNameP;
private: std::string frameName;
/// \brief Gaussian noise
private: ParamT<double> *gaussianNoiseP;
private: double gaussianNoise;
/// \brief Gaussian noise generator
private: double GaussianKernel(double mu,double sigma);
/// \brief A mutex to lock access to fields that are used in message callbacks
private: boost::mutex lock;
/// \brief hack to mimic hokuyo intensity cutoff of 100
private: ParamT<double> *hokuyoMinIntensityP;
private: double hokuyoMinIntensity;
/// \brief for setting ROS name space
private: ParamT<std::string> *robotNamespaceP;
private: std::string robotNamespace;
#ifdef USE_CBQ
private: ros::CallbackQueue ir_queue_;
private: void IrQueueThread();
private: boost::thread callback_queue_thread_;
/** \} */
/// @}
and ir_controller_file.cpp
#include <algorithm>
#include <assert.h>
#include <ir_controller_package/ir_controller_file.h>
#include <gazebo/Sensor.hh>
#include <gazebo/Global.hh>
#include <gazebo/XMLConfig.hh>
#include <gazebo/HingeJoint.hh>
#include <gazebo/World.hh>
#include <gazebo/Simulator.hh>
#include <gazebo/gazebo.h>
#include <gazebo/GazeboError.hh>
#include <gazebo/ControllerFactory.hh>
#include <gazebo/IRSensor.hh>
#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
namespace gazebo
GZ_REGISTER_DYNAMIC_CONTROLLER("ir_controller_package", GazeboRosIr);
// Constructor
GazeboRosIr::GazeboRosIr(Entity *parent)
: Controller(parent)
this->myParent = dynamic_cast<IRSensor*>(this->parent);
if (!this->myParent)
gzthrow("GazeboRosIr controller requires a IR Sensor as its parent");
this->robotNamespaceP = new ParamT<std::string>("robotNamespace", "/", 0);
//this->hokuyoMinIntensityP = new ParamT<double>("hokuyoMinIntensity", 101.0, 0);
this->gaussianNoiseP = new ParamT<double>("gaussianNoise", 0.0, 0);
this->topicNameP = new ParamT<std::string>("topicName", "", 1);
this->deprecatedTopicNameP = new ParamT<std::string>("deprecatedTopicName", "", 0 ...
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