How to convert pointcloud2 to separate depth and rgb image messages
I'm wanting to convert a filtered pointcloud2 message into separate depth and rgb image messages. RGBDSLAM requires an input of a RBG image topic as well as a depth image topic. I have tried to just pass in the filtered pointcloud2 message into "config/topic_points", but no frames are captured. Any ideas?
System: Ubuntu, Fuerte, Precise
RGBDSLAM requires "sensor_msgs:Image" whereas my filtered message is "sensor_msgs:Pointcloud2". Looks as though I will have to break my filter into two parts: one for depth, one for rgbd so I can publish two separate filtered image messages.
Was this comment meant for my post? If so, you can also acquire depth and rgb images separately, which sounds exactly like what you need.
Yes, I realized I should break up the filter. I think I might run into pcl issues involving fromROSmsg() because I am trying to grab the data from a sensor_msg::Image and not a sensor_msg::Pointcloud2. I'll make those changes and post an update.