Give move_base goalpoints without orientation
I would like to know that is it possible to give goalpoints to the move_base (by move_base/goal or move_base_simple/goal) without orientation.
I followed this tutorial:
I've exchanged 'base_link' to 'map' in:
goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = "base_link";
because naturally, I have goalpoints in the map coordinate system.
This works, the robot moves from goalpoint to goalpoint as expected. However, every time it reaches it's destination, it will also turn to the map's x axis (mathematics conventional x axis, so the robot "points to the right"). I suppose this is becuase the tutorial sets an identity quaternion for orientation in the map frame. If I uncomment the line:
goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0;
then the code would not compile.
So basically I want my robot to just arrive to a goalpoint, it's orientation does not matter for me.
Any update from this? Is there a simple way of passing a goal to the navigation stack without orientation constraint? i.e keeping the same end orientation as the path from which the robot arrive? Setting the yaw_goal_tolearence high in my local planner is causing issues (custom implementation)