run sequence of commands
Hi all , I am Using RoboEarth Stack on my irobot create to perform intelligence Operations ,, I want to know How to run sequence of commands automatically instead of run each command manually
Ex: if I want to detect Object model using roboearth detector : must write object detection algorithm command and GUI open command and manually Download and select object model
rosrun re_kinect_object_detector re_kinect
rosrun re_object_detector_gui detect
These commands must done to open the GUI and choose demand object model Can I made these commands automatically ?
And How can I update the code to Load the model automatically from my knowledge base after Knowrob processing ??
Update :
1- i have create my own pkg in home named 'risk' and write the mainfest file dependencies for Roboearth packages like here :
<description brief="risk"> risk</description>
<review status="unreviewed" notes=""/>
<depend package="re_comm_core"/>
<depend package="re_comm"/>
<depend package="ar_bounding_box"/>
<depend package="re_2dmap_extractor"/>
<depend package="re_kinect_object_detector"/>
<depend package="re_msgs"/>
<depend package="re_object_detector_gui"/>
<depend package="re_object_recorder"/>
<depend package="re_srvs"/>
<depend package="re_ontology"/>
<depend package="re_vision"/>
2- export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=/opt/ros/fuerte/share:/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks:/home/salma/risk
3- rosmake re_comm
it can't rospack it
People can probably help you better, if you update your question to include the exact sequence of commands you want to automate.
Ok I edited it