Unable to run cameracalibrator.py
Hi, I want to calibrate two individual cameras as a stereocamera. So i tried running the file cameracalibrator.py from the path /opt/ros/fuerte/stackes/image_pipeline/camera_calibration/nodes.
Im getting an error
File "/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/image_pipeline/camera_calibration/nodes/cameracalibrator.py", line 42, in <module>
from camera_calibration.approxsync import ApproximateSynchronizer
I could not find this module camera_calibration.approxsync located anywhere. Kindly let me know where i am missing
Thanks in advance
I am also facing the same issue..any solution?
perfect..thank you so much. Later I had the issue with import cv_bridge and solved that by adding the path to cv_bridge to pythonpath...