Turtlebot Odometry Calibration procedure
Hi all, I recognized that the odometry of my turtlebot didn't work correctly. Therefore I rerun the calibration procedure http://www.ros.org/wiki/turtlebot_calibration/Tutorials/Calibrate%20Odometry%20and%20Gyro (Calibration Tutorial).
When I calibrated the first time, I considered the calibration successfull when the robot stopped again facing the wall perpendicular.
Then I read the Tutorial again:
If the TurtleBot does not successfully return to facing the wall before executing the next rotation the data will be incorrect. This can be caused by too big of an error in the existing parameters. If it under rotates, increase the odom parameter and retry. If it over rotates, lower the odom_parameter and retry.
When I got the turtlebot to face the wall correctly during the procedure, it wasn't at the end and vice versa. (The factor proposed by the calibration would work opposite the statement of the tutorial - Overrotating and a factor greater 1)
Therefore my question is: Is the stop at the end of the procedure also important? Am I doing something wrong?
Another probably important information: I changed the position of the kinect on the turtlebot from the back to the front (Because I also wanted to mount an arm on the middle platform). For that I changed the urdf file as well as the turtlebot_calib_cam_x value under turtlebot_description/turtlebot_calibration.xacro.
Did you set gyro_measurement_range before performing the calibration?
Yes, I set it to 250 according to clearpath.