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How to find the problem of kinect when rostopic echo get nothing

asked 2012-12-12 22:50:46 -0600

Albert K gravatar image

updated 2016-10-24 09:01:42 -0600

ngrennan gravatar image

I plugin the kinect.

roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch

rosrun rviz rviz

setup the msg type [PointCloud2]

and topic [/camera/depth/points]

and the reference frame [/camera_depth_frame]

But the status indicates no messages received. How can I make sure it's the problem from kinect or from openni?


To clarify my problem:

I do rostopic echo [topic] and get nothing. It may not be the problem of Rviz and the viewing tools. I doubt this is the hardware and driver problem, and possibly the graphic card driver? This problem happened on my laptop while my desktop worked fine. Both of them are Ubuntu 12.04 and Fuerte. I got bumblebee on my laptop but not on the desktop.

Some messages appear in the shell where I roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch :

[ERROR] [1355549619.381311998]: Tried to advertise a service that is already advertised in this node [/camera/depth_registered/image_rect_raw/compressedDepth/set_parameters]
[ERROR] [1355549619.393316233]: Tried to advertise a service that is already advertised in this node [/camera/depth_registered/image_rect_raw/compressed/set_parameters]
[ERROR] [1355549619.406856824]: Tried to advertise a service that is already advertised in this node [/camera/depth_registered/image_rect_raw/theora/set_parameters]
[ INFO] [1355549620.217247774]: Number devices connected: 1
[ INFO] [1355549620.217803421]: 1. device on bus 003:05 is a Xbox NUI Camera (2ae) from Microsoft (45e) with serial id 'A00365A18349102A'
[ INFO] [1355549620.219848686]: Searching for device with index = 1
[ INFO] [1355549620.260220331]: Opened 'Xbox NUI Camera' on bus 3:5 with serial number 'A00365A18349102A'
[ INFO] [1355549620.280287325]: rgb_frame_id = '/camera_rgb_optical_frame' 
[ INFO] [1355549620.280362638]: depth_frame_id = '/camera_depth_optical_frame' 
[ WARN] [1355549620.284242802]: Camera calibration file /home/albert/.ros/camera_info/rgb_A00365A18349102A.yaml not found.
[ WARN] [1355549620.284296968]: Using default parameters for RGB camera calibration.
[ WARN] [1355549620.284377146]: Camera calibration file /home/albert/.ros/camera_info/depth_A00365A18349102A.yaml not found.
[ WARN] [1355549620.284421645]: Using default parameters for IR camera calibration.

I think that these warnings and errors shouldn't result in such problem. Besides, the info may tell us that the device driver is fine.

How to solve this? Thanks~

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Does rostopic echo /camera/depth/points print anything?

Saphrosit gravatar image Saphrosit  ( 2012-12-13 00:49:48 -0600 )edit

I have met the same problem. In my case, it prints nothing.

sam gravatar image sam  ( 2012-12-13 14:53:51 -0600 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2012-12-13 09:58:02 -0600

autorover gravatar image

updated 2012-12-13 09:58:23 -0600

An easier way to see if the data from the Kinect is being received by the drivers and computer than by setting up rviz is with the command rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/rgb/image_color, which should display an RGB image from the Kinect camera if the driver is functioning properly. Remember to have roscore and the driver running in the background. More information is on the openni_launch page.

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I have met the same problem. In my case, it shows the window but without any image.

sam gravatar image sam  ( 2012-12-13 14:55:43 -0600 )edit

It looks like another way to take and display the sensor data from the topic, but the situation is that rostopic echo get nothing.

Albert K gravatar image Albert K  ( 2012-12-14 05:07:58 -0600 )edit

assuming that you are using fuerte and have downloaded openni_launch and openni_camera, I would suggest trying alternate USB ports for the kinect and potentially even reinstalling those drivers. Seems that you are doing the right things, so just fiddle around a bit more.

autorover gravatar image autorover  ( 2012-12-15 19:08:19 -0600 )edit

answered 2012-12-13 10:32:31 -0600

Steve gravatar image

If you are on latest 12.04 I have had issues with getting openni to work. The driver itself appears to be the issue not ROS. In order to get a working system I ended up changing to 12.10. Unfortunately this means I need to use Groovy as trying to compile Fuerte from source isn't really a straight forward or well documented process.

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Actually, I've test it on both my desktop and my laptop, but only desktop worked. Both of my computer are Ubuntu 12.04 and with Fuerte installed. I think the version of Ubuntu might not be so important.

Albert K gravatar image Albert K  ( 2012-12-14 04:46:50 -0600 )edit

answered 2012-12-13 19:23:49 -0600

snakehaihai gravatar image

try rosrun openni_camera openni_node and then see it in RVIZ with reference frame to openni frame

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According to the wiki page of ros, openni_launch openni.launch seemed to be a better approach for those 3D sensor. Most applications need the additional information from openni.launch rather than a single node, so this is an unavoidable problem to be solved.

Albert K gravatar image Albert K  ( 2012-12-14 05:04:12 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2012-12-12 22:50:46 -0600

Seen: 1,521 times

Last updated: Dec 14 '12