Where is the list of groovy variants that I can select?
Hi, I'm trying to build groovy on ubuntu 12.4, following www.ros.org/wiki/groovy/Installation/Source .
The following works fine roslocate info ackermann_msgs
but if I try to get info for desktop or desktop-full variants, as described at ros.org/reps/rep-0131.html#variants , I get
~/ros$ roslocate info desktop
cannot locate information about desktop
Where is the list of variants that I can select?
thanks! (I have not enough karma to post a comment on the answer) When I run apt-cache search ros-groovy I get many groovy packages, but not the variant one. Maybe because I'm in 32bits and beta is only available for 64?
thanks! When I run apt-cache search ros-groovy I get many groovy packages, but not the variant one. Maybe because I'm in 32bits and beta is only available for 64?