Compiling ROS fuerte from source vcstools error
Using Ubuntu 12.04 32bit, ROS fuerte, boost 1.49, when running the second step of the ROS source install instructions...
rosinstall ~/ros ""
I receive the following error for almost every package:
[nodelet_core] Installing (version nodelet_core-1.6.5) to /home/sean/ros/nodelet_core ERROR [vcstools] Tarball download unpack failed: [Errno socket error] [Errno 1] _ssl.c:504: error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol[/vcstools]
Clearly, there's some error with the protocol the script is using to get the packages (as in, maybe I don't have it installed), but I can't pinpoint it, and google's no help. Any ideas?
Thanks, Sean