erratic simulator gazebo does not work anymore
I tried erratic simulation some months ago and it worked, but now it does not work anymore. If I launch "roslaunch erratic_description erratic_empty_world.launch", gazebo gui starts without the robot and it seems blocked on:
waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
The gzserver process consumes a lot of CPU (100%), but I do not know if it is related. I tried also on another computer with the same results. I have Ubuntu 12.04 64bit and fuerte. Does someone have an advice to solve the problem? Thanks.
Update. I did another test. The erratic_empty_world.launch file is:
<param name="/use_sim_time" value="true" />
<node name="empty_world_server"
args="-u $(find gazebo_worlds)/worlds/"
<node name="gazebo_gui" pkg="gazebo" type="gui" respawn="false" output="screen"/>
<include file="$(find erratic_description)/launch/erratic_mobile_base.launch" />
I tried to run each node separately with 4 commands: roscore, rosrun gazebo gazebo, rosrun gazebo gui, roslaunch erratic_description erratic_mobile_base.launch. and it worked. The general erratic_empty_world.launch file should do the same, but it does not work. Any suggestions?