dynamic_reconfigure package error??
I'm testing kinect reading using openni_launch following instructions link: openni_launch tutorial
and when I came to the dynamic_reconfigure gui part. My kinect cannot be read anymore. I doubt that it did something to the original driver parameters
I tried to restart my PC and run the tutorial again (without dynamic_reconfigure) then it worked. Then how can I register the points??
What is the problem here?
Edit 01:
I changed Topic to registered depth points (without using dynamic reconfigure) or close RVIZ. All led to the same pending and unable to load kinect again
it only works again when I restart the PC
Edit 02:
I tried with rostopic echo /rosout to see the stream of data. But type of /rosout is rosgraph_msgs/Log and cannot be seen clearly i.e. matrix of number. I don't know how to see the image data yet
So once you enable depth-registration openni stops publishing, do I understand correctly? Did you confirm this by echoing the topics (rostopic echo /camera/...)? If so, what happens when you disable depth-registration again? Does it continue to publish points or just freeze?
actually, I've just tried other things e.g. change Topic to registered depth points (without using dynamic reconfigure) or close RVIZ. They all led to the same pending and unable to load kinect again. I'm trying to show data using rostopic ... like you said. But whenever I restart the PC, it works
/rosout is not the image. It is a collection of ROS log messages. You can view them with rxconsole