Time Synchronizer hangs after few messages
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I have a scenario where I have 2 sensors publishing messages to 2 different topics, let's say:
I wanted to subscribe to both these topics using a 3rd node; compare the values from the first 2 topics and do certain operations and generate a new output to be published onto another topic say,
For this I created custom messages for each of my sensors with a header containing the time stamp.
In the nodes publishing to topics 'topicA' and 'topicB' I initialized the timestamp field in the header as
x.header.timeStamp = ros::Time::now()
All my publisher nodes run continuously with no problems. However, I only get the first two messages at the output of my synchronizer and then it stops forever. Then I am unable to stop the node other than terminating the execution using SIGINT (ctrl+z).
Can someone tell me what I can do so that my timesynchronizer works properly and synchronizes the outputs from topicA and topicB using timestamps.
Here's the code of node 3:
void fusionCallback(const fusion::TwistsConstPtr& sensorA, const fusion::TwistsConstPtr& sensorB)
geometry_msgs::Twist vel;
ros::NodeHandle n;
ros::Publisher vel_pub = n.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>("/cmd_vel", 1);
ros::Rate loop_rate(10);
float sensorA_dat = sensorA->dat;
float sensorB_dat = sensorB->dat;
if(sensorB_dat > sensorA_dat)
vel = sensorB->vel;
else vel = sensorA->vel;
ROS_INFO("sensorA Data = [%f] sensorB Data = [%f]", sensorA_dat, sensorB_dat);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
ros::init(argc, argv, "vel_publisher");
ros::NodeHandle n;
//ros::Rate loop_rate(20);
using namespace message_filters;
Subscriber<fusion::Twists> sensorA_sub(n, "/fusion/cmd_vel_sensorA", 1);
Subscriber<fusion::Twists> sensorB_sub(n, "/fusion/cmd_vel_sensorB", 1);
typedef sync_policies::ApproximateTime<fusion::Twists, fusion::Twists> MySyncPolicy;
Synchronizer<MySyncPolicy> sync(MySyncPolicy(100), sensorA_sub, sensorB_sub);
sync.registerCallback(boost::bind(&fusionCallback, _1, _2));
return 0;
Note: All braces are proper in the actual code!
Update : The Effect of spin inside callback
On the suggestion of @dornhege I tried removing the spin inside callback and then my code started working. I was able to see the output wherein the TimeSynchronizer merged the data from both the topics appropriately. I was able to terminate the execution using ctrl+c as well.
However, the problem is that now my output is not getting published. Infact, that is the reason why I have the spin inside the callback. This is as per the basic tutorials for publisher and subscriber provided here
Thanks and Regards.
Can you post a miminal excerpt of your program showing how is your main loop? If ctrl+z do not have any effect, then you probably do not look for ros::ok() enough and you may have spin issues which prevent the callbacks from being called several times. You can also increase the queue. It may help.
As far as ctrl+z is concerned i have said in my question that it is the only thing that is able to stop my program.
Your code looks like you are starting another ROS spinning loop within the callback. Is that really what you want, it seems very odd.
Ctrl-C should be SIGINT, Ctrl-z does something different. Ctrl-C should stop a program that check's ros::ok.
Oh yeah am sorry. I think ctrl+z is SIGTERM or SIGSTOP. am not sure. But anyways ctrl+c does not stop the running program.
On the publishing: 1. a spin won't help there. 2. Are you still constructing the publisher in the callback? That is the problem. It needs time to connect the topic and actually be able to publish -> only construct one in the main, that should help. The spin was functioning as a "wait loop" for that.
Heyy @dornhege thanks a lot lot lot!! It worked. I actually tried this before as well after referring another answer in ros. But I made a silly mistake of initializing the publisher twice and then it gave me a runtime error of invalid publisher. So I thought maybe I was wrong.
But now I decided it must be right since you've told as well and tried to work on finding the mistake and now its found. Thanks Again :) Its all good now :)