node to publish COG/ZMP
Does anybody knows if there is a node to publish COG/ZMP from joint_state or tf of the robot?
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Does anybody knows if there is a node to publish COG/ZMP from joint_state or tf of the robot?
I just published hrl_kinematics which consists of a small library and a node to do exactly that. From a URDF with joint state, you can compute the CoG and a projection to the supporting plane. You can also specify the supporting links (feet) and check of the pose is statically stable. There is not much documentation on the wiki, but the code is pretty self-explanatory I would say.
There's no ZMP in there yet -- I would happily accept patches!
Best use the tracker for the alufr-ros-pkg repository:
Asked: 2012-09-04 04:02:23 -0500
Seen: 431 times
Last updated: Sep 04 '12
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