problem loading walls model in gazebo 1.0
I have some problems switching to gazebo 1.0. My old .model file seem to be invalid (although there are others in the gazebo_worlds package that still seem to work and are parsed in "deprecated file mode"). So I copied over the wg_walls.model which is in version 1.0 format, but I'm not able to use this model the way I used the old one. My launchfile looks like this:
<param name="wg_walls" textfile="$(find gazebo_worlds)/objects/wg_walls.model" />
<node name="xml2factor_wg_walls" pkg="gazebo" type="spawn_model" args="-gazebo -param wg_walls -x -5.65 -y -5.65 -model wg_walls" respawn="false" output="screen" />
Unfortunately gazebo crashes when spawning the model.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
No further output.
How can I load the walls model in gazebo? Do I need a different spawn command, is it a problem with the model? How would I include the walls in my world file? I remember I used the spawn_model node because the old gazebo crashed when using the walls within the .world file.
I can't find any up to date documentation about the world and model files for gazebo. Everything I can find seems to be pre 1.0.
UPDATE: after updating gazebo and with some help of hsu I can get the map to load now when I use the simple_office.jpg that is now inverted in the textures directory. But it still looks strange, textures aren't applied correctly and some walls are just missing. I wouldn't mind about the textures, but I need the walls. The walls are not at the position I like them to be. Where should I adjust the position? there is an origin tag within the link tag, an origin attribute within the heightmap tag and I can specify a position when spawning the walls model (using -x -y parameters). The spawn_model parameters seem to be ignored for static models, right? what about the origin tag? It doesn't seem to do anything either. So I have to use the origin attribute of heightmap, but I would prefer using the origin tag of the link and omitting the heightmap origin attribute, so I only have to change one value instead of two. And what about the size attribute? I use size="25.7 25.7 2", but if the grid has a resolution of 1m, the actual size of the map is something like 16x15m. Why are there multiple textures and blend tags within the (visual) hightmap? How do I know which texture is applied or which blend, what does blend do?
One more important question I have: Is it somehow possible to use images within my own stack folder to generate a map? I can't edit the files that are in the gazebo stack, but I would like to be able to make my own map. the heightmap filename doesn't accept full file names, setting the GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH environment variable to the folder where my files are doesn't help ...