cannot open moveit auto-generated URDF in gazebo (gazebo_panda.urdf)

asked 2023-06-12 12:32:51 -0500

jkampia gravatar image


After running through the ROS moveit setup tutorial and generating the example moveit_package, I tried to launch the demo with:

"roslaunch moveit_package demo.launch"

Which should launch gazebo and open the urdf gazebo_panda.urdf located at moveit_package/config. However, I got the error:

Error [] parse as old deprecated model file failed. Error Code 4 Msg: Required attribute[filename] in element[plugin] is not specified in SDF. Error Code 8 Msg: Error reading element <plugin> Error Code 8 Msg: Error reading element <model> Error Code 8 Msg: Error reading element <sdf>

To me, this implies something wrong with the gazebo_panda URDF file. However, it was autogenerated by the moveit package wizard and check_urdf returns a valid tree and gives no errors. I have uninstalled and reinstalled gazebo to make sure I don't have a deprecated version, as of now I have version 11.13.0. Also, I am currently using ROS noetic.

After some googling, it doesn't look like anyone has posted about this exact situation.

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