create an algorithm which can segment the entire 2d map into 3 submaps based on robot positions in ros melodic

asked 2023-05-16 03:30:43 -0500

create an algorithm which can segment the entire 2d map into 3 submaps based on robot positions using ros melodic .

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Hi! Sorry for being so pedantic, but this is not how you are supposed to ask questions in this community...

You should describe your problem a little more in detail, possibly with an actual example taken from your case. Also describing the robot you use, as well as the framework used for mapping and localization may help.

Most importantly, you should report what you have tried so far, what you were expected to get, and what you got instead. This community is indeed meant to help (and for what I have seen, it does!), not to code on your behalf.

I see that you are a new user, so this is not meant as a reproach. Asking the right questions is the best way to get the right answers!

bluegiraffe-sc gravatar image bluegiraffe-sc  ( 2023-05-19 05:05:08 -0500 )edit