How to control the robot with mavros ROS2 humble

asked 2023-05-12 03:27:39 -0500

MorgannLBT gravatar image

Hello, I am working on an AUV project programmed with ROS2 and for the first tests we bought a BLUEROV2 v4 of BlueRobotics. On the PC I installed ROS2 (humble) and mavros.

To launch mavros i execute this command : "ros2 launch mavros apm.launch gcs_url:=udp://:14570@localhost:12000"

I receive all the data from the BlueRov like the state, the rc out, the imu data ... but when I post on topics like “/mavros/rc/overideRCin” or “/mavros/setpoint_attitude/cmd_vel” to turn on the lights or thrusters nothing happens on the BlueROV.

On the other hand I managed to arm the vehicle with mavros with the “mavros/cmd/arming” service.

Can someone help me to control my BlueROV by posting on a mavros2 topic or by using a mavros2 service?

Thanks a lot.


Morgann Le Bot

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