ROS2 Humble local planner (controller) not showing up (VMware Fusion 13) [closed]

asked 2023-04-01 08:01:47 -0600

Nartmangnourt gravatar image

updated 2023-04-03 01:59:26 -0600

Hey ROS Community. :),

I only have a MacBook that’s why i using a virtual machine. I tried different software.

Virtualbox : Too slow

Parallels 18 :

Turn on 3D acceleration → Rviz don’t work (don’t show local and global planner:

Turn off 3D acceleration → Gazebo very slow

→ The reason is because parallels don’t support OpenGL 4 only 3.2.

VMware Fusion 13: Now i using VMware Fusion 13. I can turn on 3D acceleration, so gazebo don’t run too slow and rviz also work fine.

–>The only problem is the local planner don’t showing up. (No map received) ←

Any ideas why?

Thank you in advance for any help

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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by Nartmangnourt
close date 2023-04-09 12:47:07.564197