Gazebo with controller
I know there have been a few posts on SDF vs URDF for gazebo, but I'm still not sure I know which to use.
It particularly interests me when I see this in the terminal (running pr2_empty_world.launch
Warning [] Gazebo SDF has no gazebo element
On July 1st, 2012, this formate will no longer by supported
Convert your files using the gzsdf command line tool
You have been warned!
So, if I want to go to SDF, then I cannot run a robot controller, or at least cannot use robot_description param required to run a controller.
But if I stick with URDF, then it's deprecated? If I could input Collada files or SDF with the robot_description param, I think it would help.
I see the reference to a collada converter here but haven't seen anything on it since this ticket that's over a year old.
Has it been maintained?
Hello, I have a simmechnaics file( meshes are in stl format). I converted it to a urdf file then to a xacro file, I got the same warnings( gazebo_worlds/empty_world_paused). I am not whether these warnings affect my simulation in gazebo.
Was the conversion straightforward? I know there are urdf->collada (or stl I assume) but didn't know of the reverse. Thanks
hello, yes the conversion was straightforward, I used simmechanics_to_urdf package but I got an tf exception error then I used another version of simmechanics_to_urdf package, no problem occured. But when i launch gazebo and my robot's urdf, I got error described by you, .dae is collada format i gue
Hi. i am a new user of gazebo with ROS and I get the similar warnings when i launched gazebo. May i know what should I do about the warnings? In addition, my gazebo often terminates unexpectedly, could these warnings be the reason for that?