micro-ROS: HOW to configure & know 'rmw_cyclonedds_cpp' version 0.8.x configuration
Where can Cyclone DDS version be setup/configured and how to find what version of Cyclone DDS is installed/config ?, while trying to build in micro-ROS
The requirement below suggest 0.8.x (Réplique) version of Cyclone DDS
RMW DDS Middleware Providers
Cyclone DDS 0.8.x (Réplique)
Fast-DDS 2.3.x
Connext DDS 5.3.1 N/A 5.3.1 N/A
Gurum DDS 2.7.x N/A
I am trying to setup: micro-ROS in ESP32 Microcontroller, using host ROS2 galactic in Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS , following Step 5 of https://medium.com/@SameerT009/connec...
This is related to #q412448 . Thank you.