ROS & high speed robots ?

asked 2023-02-02 08:45:20 -0500

Rahulwashere gravatar image

Hello, So i have a general question, over the past two years i have been working on ROS(melodic) based robots, but recently i am pushing to create a robot which is bigger, heavier, and has considerable speed, 1 m/s or more. what are some tips, my initial tests has shown that when i keep speed around 0.5 m/s max, and let my robot work, it does not work smoothly, it has jerks, abrupt acceleration , stoppages etc. is making a real robust robot difficult with current ROS capabilities, if not what are some steps to be taken care of ?

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Please provide some more information about the use case and the task that you are trying to achieve. The question is rather open-ended and vague. It is unclear whether you are looking for specific answers to specific questions or to receive an opinionated response on the capabilities of ROS.

adityatandon gravatar image adityatandon  ( 2023-02-02 09:41:19 -0500 )edit