Where should I put launch folder?
In the launch file tutorial, I am a little confused where should I put this launch
folder, and what is the content of this folder?
Can someone help clarify? Thanks!
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In the launch file tutorial, I am a little confused where should I put this launch
folder, and what is the content of this folder?
Can someone help clarify? Thanks!
Hi @Hongbo Miao, I am not sure why the launch folder is not shown in the tutorial but it will be inside the package py_launch_example
After that, the launch file script that you will write later will be put inside this launch folder.
Thanks @Robo_guy ! I opened a pull request to update the document at https://github.com/ros2/ros2_document... Please correct if I am wrong, thanks! ๐
Asked: 2023-01-01 03:21:28 -0600
Seen: 186 times
Last updated: Jan 01 '23
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