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depth subscriber roslibpy

asked 2022-07-19 07:25:48 -0600

dwd394 gravatar image

updated 2022-07-19 09:16:08 -0600

How do we get a proper sized (640x480) array from the depth message?

my subscribed depth final array is a (640x480x2).... when it should be (640x480). The rgb topic is fine at (640x480x3). I tried both topics that publish depth data. i suspect that this is a decoding error given that the depth is UC16? this is a quirk of the roslibpy rosbridge have to decode the base64 data that travels through the rosbridge.

code snippet of the depth callback.

def subscribe_depth(depth_raw_msg):
  print('depth_raw_msg keys: ', depth_raw_msg.keys())
  print('depth_raw_msg encoding: ', depth_raw_msg['encoding'])
  depth_data_raw = depth_raw_msg['data']
  depth_header = depth_raw_msg['header']
  depth_base64_bytes = depth_raw_msg['data']
  depth_bytes = base64.b64decode(depth_base64_bytes)
  depth_data = np.frombuffer(depth_bytes, dtype=np.uint8)
  depth_data = depth_data.reshape(480, 640)

i think its a problem specifically with this line:

 depth_data = np.frombuffer(depth_bytes, dtype=np.uint8)

driving test code:

Topic = roslibpy.Topic(ros, '/wx250s/camera/depth/image_raw', 'sensor_msgs/Image')
print('is connected:', ros.is_connected)
while ros.is_connected:
  test_depth_data = Topic.subscribe(subscribe_depth)

error: ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 614400 into shape (480,640)

Thanks for coming to my dumpsterfire :)

UPDATE: We get the right array size when changing the suspect line to np.frombuffer(depth_bytes, dtype=np.uint16), but I don't know if that's right.

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1 Answer

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answered 2022-07-19 11:11:51 -0600

Mike Scheutzow gravatar image

It is common for depth values to be published as type uint16.

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Thank You, yep that worked.

dwd394 gravatar image dwd394  ( 2022-07-19 15:10:28 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2022-07-19 07:25:48 -0600

Seen: 121 times

Last updated: Jul 19 '22