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pick-place without using moveit's pipeline that uses 'Grasp'

asked 2022-04-22 05:52:32 -0500

Dhara gravatar image

updated 2022-05-30 05:17:51 -0500


Recently I am confused in usability of Moveit's API Pick, Place. I have read many docs about it. But my project is to do camera based picking and placing of a box with industrial robot and I couldn't find any way to include camera part in this API's from Here. Rather I have developed a program to do simple picking and placing of a box with camera without the Moveit's Grasp functionality. And to achieve that I simply give calculated poses to the robot step by step and then robot executes all steps. I didn't faced any problems regarding doing it. Picking and placing simulation process running smooth in RVIZ. But now my question is did I developed my program in a right way without using Grasp? My program structure is like this:

Step 1 : Home position
step 2 : go to position of picking object
step 3 : close gripper
step 4 : go to placing position
step 5 : open gripper

My system is : Ubuntu 18 with ROS Melodic. Industrial arm: ABB

Any useful guidance will be very appriciated. Thank you.

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1 Answer

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answered 2022-05-31 16:42:06 -0500

First MoveIt differs between pick and place, but they are similar. For picking MoveIt adds a Step between 1 and 2 and after 3. In these steps, you can define an approach and retreat movement in which the robot moves in a linear motion to make sure to not touch the object in an unforeseen movement.

You can find an example here.

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Hi, thanks for your input. but I can define LIN motion using cartesian path, then why should I use Grasp?

Dhara gravatar image Dhara  ( 2022-06-23 07:02:58 -0500 )edit

Indeed you can, but using Grasp is convenient because it is doing all these steps for you. Additionally, you can also attach an object of the planning scene to the gripper. Further, the idea is to generate several possible Grasp msgs and pass them to move_group.pick(), which is choosing one which is reachable.

bi3ri gravatar image bi3ri  ( 2022-06-23 08:22:36 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2022-04-22 05:52:32 -0500

Seen: 121 times

Last updated: May 31 '22