How to Configure DWA to use odemetery filtered topic

asked 2022-03-21 15:10:53 -0600

chm007 gravatar image

Good Day All.

I am using robot_localization to fuse my IMU and Odometery , and move_bae with DWA as the local planner on an omni-wheel robot . I configured move_base to use the odometery/filtered and DWA as my local planner in my launch file using the statements below (note tags are removed so it displays here) . How do i configure DWA to also suscribe to odometery/filtered instead of odom topic ?

[launch file parameters]

node pkg="move_base" type="move_base" respawn="false" name="move_base" output="screen"

remap from="odom" to="odometry/filtered"

param name="base_local_planner" value="dwa_local_planner/DWAPlannerROS"



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