Differences between Image and CompressedImage message types
I'm building a deep learning pipeline for robotics where
- an image is read from camera (using the package cv_camera)
- A node I wrote is reading the /cv_camera/image_raw topic and make inference using a Segmentation CNN.
- Then the segmented image is published to the rest of the pipeline.
I want to ask to the community what is more heavy in terms of CPU usage between these two options:
- publish and read the segmented image as a CompressedImage message type
- publish and read the segmented image as an Image message type
I'm using cv_bridge to convert images from ROS to OpenCV in Python.
I think CompressedImage is heavier due to the compression step. Am I right?
Thank you
Please give us more description about what you are trying to do. The site guidelines discourage us from answering homework questions.
I've modified the question. I'm asking this for a job-related task and not for homeworks :)