RTAB-Map using isaac_ros_visual_odometry
Hi there. In order to get some hardware acceleration I want to use the isaac_ros_visual_odometry package as a replacement for the rgbd_odometry node of rtabmap_ros. Now the rgbd_odometry node publishes the /odom informations, which in turn are required by rtabmap. isaac_ros_visual_odometry publishes the information in its own format, giving translation and rotation values in x,y,z direction. So unless I'm very much mistaken the information needed is present.
Is there any known procedure on how to transpose an IMU-like message to an odometry message format or else, has anyone tried a similar approach to hardware acceleration before and has had some experience on integrating the isaac-ros GEMS to rtabmap?
Ubuntu 20.04 ROS2 Foxy Nvidia Isaac GEMS for ROS