import numpy error in geometry_msg in setting-robot simulation tutorial
When I was trying the tutorial setting-up a robot simulation setting-up a robot simulation and I encountered an error that I'm not being sure on how to solve since it seems that it is unable to find numpy in the site-packages of the python inside the ros/foxy installation. The error that I find is:
[driver-2] Traceback (most recent call last):
[driver-2] File "/home/pablo/dev_ws/install/my_package/lib/python3.8/site-packages/my_package/", line 2, in <module>
[driver-2] from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
[driver-2] File "/opt/ros/foxy/lib/python3.8/site-packages/geometry_msgs/msg/", line 3, in <module>
[driver-2] from geometry_msgs.msg._accel_with_covariance import AccelWithCovariance # noqa: F401
[driver-2] File "/opt/ros/foxy/lib/python3.8/site-packages/geometry_msgs/msg/", line 9, in <module>
[driver-2] import numpy # noqa: E402, I100
[driver-2] ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy'
[driver-2] terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
[driver-2] what(): The my_package.my_robot_driver.MyRobotDriver plugin cannot be found (C++ or Python).
I have seen this error before with Webots: Try
pip3 install numpy
. Let me know if it works, then I will document as an answer.Sorry shouldn’t be recommending
, try this first:sudo apt install python3-numpy
@pablo.arandarod did you try?
@osilva yes, and also having it installed in other environments and did not worked. I reinstalled ros foxy, so once I have time again I will go into it (hopefully this weekend)
@osilva I just tried it and I can confirm that by installing ros thorugh apt the tutorial works. I don't know if there is some dependency or anything that isn't working as it should when I built it, but at least it works if I install it.
Thank you @pablo.arandarod. Let me document as an answer
@osilva I don't know exactly how to do it from here, I'm a bit new to this.
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