Kinect roslaunch error messages
There have been several posts about this, but none seem to be fully resolved.
(I am using ROS fuerte on Ubuntu 12.04) I tried to install the openNI drivers (using sudo apt-get, rosdep install, and other things I found on different ROS answers pages), but I keep getting the same error when I try to do "roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch".
I get this error message:
[ERROR] [1342630897.153525834]: Tried to advertise a service that is already advertised in this node [/camera/depth_registered/image_rect_raw/compressed/set_parameters]
I also get a warning that it can't find my camera calibration file but that seems to not be much of an issue.
I tried (among other things), the first answer on with three terminals and loading rviz. Rviz loads, but with an error message in the Displays menu:
Fixed Frame
Fixed Frame [/map] does not exist
And I just get a black display instead of a "point cloud".
Anyone have any ideas? (by the way, I'm very new to ROS, if you couldn't tell)
There was also something about openni_node, (when I tried to install that it told me it couldn't find it), but I think that was for the older version.
******Update** Now I see that after I run rviz, I get this error message, and I think this is why I get no data from the kinect:
[camera_nodelet_manager-1] process has died [pid 10040, exit code -6, cmd /opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/nodelet_core/nodelet/bin/nodelet manager __name:=camera_nodelet_manager __log:=/home/ben/.ros/log/01490200-d113-11e1-a463-0016cb9a020f/camera_nodelet_manager-1.log].
log file: /home/ben/.ros/log/01490200-d113-11e1-a463-0016cb9a020f/camera_nodelet_manager-1*.log
@jarvisschultz So I see what you mean about the Displays error not being a big deal-- I just fixed that. But the problem still exists that I don't see anything. Now there is a Status:Warning thing under the PointCloud2 I made that says Topic: No messages received. Thanks for the quick response!
To test that the data is actually being sent from the Kinect, try using
For example, in another terminal, type "rostopic hz /camera/depth/points" If this tells you that point clouds are being published at ~30Hz, then you simply have something wrong with your rviz configuration.Thanks everyone- I can get data from the kinect now. However, in rviz, I get a very weird small image that doesn't really correspond to anything in the real world. I know that the camera and depth sensor are working though (running image_vew and disparity_view in another window).