URDF link mass inertia properties
I'm building a URDF for rviz, and eventually Gazebo. I'm a bit confused about the best values to put in for the Inertia Origin and Moment of Inertia matrix.
Below you should see a screenshot of a robot shoulder in SolidWorks. (Right-click and open to see it in full size)
The origin is the tri-color axis, which I put there because it matches the link origin.
This means I should be able to specify the mesh visual origin as 0,0,0.
The pink axis is the Center of Mass found by SolidWorks.
The URDF XML doc: http://ros.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/roswiki/urdf(2f)XML(2f)inertial.html says the Inertial Origin should be the "Link Center of Mass".
So I could use the SolidWorks Center of Mass x,y,z co-ordinates as the Inertial Origin.
But I don't know which Ix,Px, Lxx, or Ixx values from SolidWorks to use?
Or, why can't I just set the Inertial Origin to 0,0,0 and use the very last set of values from SolidWorks: Ixx, Ixy, Ixz, etc.
Will Gazebo/ODE get confused because the Inertial Origin is not the Center of Mass of the link?
These two posts provided some info, but no complete explanation: