Understanding JointTrajectoryController of ros_control
currently, I am trying to understand how the hardware_interface and ros_control work: velocity_controllers/JointTrajectoryController
is chosen for the controller type and so far everything seems to work. As you can see the output of $rostopic echo /robot_arm_controller_trajectory/follow_joint_trajectory/goal
the trajectory controller computed 8 interpolation points with specific velocity values. What would be the proper next step to make sure that the real robot actually moving towards these points with the desired velocity values?
- In hardware_interface.cpp I locally store the values from /robot_arm_controller_trajectory/follow_joint_trajectory/goal
- In write() I make sure that the actual velocity matches the desired velocity value (PID should be applied). For each point, I check whether the velocity has reached its desired value within the given time, otherwise set_abort()
Is this the right approach? If yes, JointTrajectoryController
actually only cares about generating the desired interpolation points. Then what is $rostopic echo /robot_arm_controller_trajectory/follow_joint_trajectory/feedback
meant for, if JointTrajectoryController
is not taking care of the "reaching" task (checking whether the computed points are reached or not)?
header: seq: 0 stamp:
secs: 1634781253
nsecs: 480294199 frame_id: '' goal_id: stamp:
secs: 1634781253
nsecs: 480294676 id: "/move_group_plan-2-1634781253.480294676" goal: trajectory:
seq: 0
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- jnt1
- jnt2
- jnt3
- jnt4
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effort: []
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effort: []
secs: 1
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nsecs: 0