roslibjs does not receive message containing sensor_msgs/CompressedImage field
I tried to create the custom message encapsulating several sensor_msgs/CompressedImage
fields. I planned to connect it with roslibjs
to display the images on the webpage. But the web application does not receive anything. Actually, I cannot even to catch the message receiving event. The message type is set up correctly. The publisher is saying the following:
[WARN] [1633447998.427242]: Inbound TCP/IP connection failed: connection from sender terminated before handshake header received. 0 bytes were received. Please check sender for additional details
Message structure:
Header header
sensor_msgs/CompressedImage raw_frame
sensor_msgs/CompressedImage annotated_frame
sensor_msgs/CompressedImage depth_map
bool has_detections
roi[] detections
where roi
is another custom message. When I am trying to pass just sensor_msgs/CompressedImage
everything works. Could you please help me to investigate why?