Rviz Message filter dropping message with rosbag1
I have a bunch of rosbag1 bag files with images, velodyne point clouds, and radar point clouds. I've now attempted a couple different methods of playing rosbag1 files in rosbag2, such as rosbag_v2
and rosbags-convert
Both of which can run the bag files, sometimes with warnings like
[WARN] [1631782330.814976392] [rosbag2_transport]: Ignoring a topic '/rosout', reason: Something went wrong loading the typesupport library for message type rosgraph_msgs/Log. Library could not be found..
but the right topics get published.
Attempting to visualize any of the three (camera, lidar, or radar) results in rviz2 throwing a lot of
[INFO] [1631782411.735610318] [rviz]: Message Filter dropping message: frame 'usb_cam' at time 1624791621.995 for reason 'Unknown'
I'm not sure how to handle this?
Note: Using noetic and foxy on ubuntu 20.04
You are missing the time stamp, you need to add it and I think it will work.
I'm reading from a data file of past recordings, which has been used in ros1 implementations. I don't have the possibility of adding or changing the content.