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Can't create constructor that creates a subscriber node inside

asked 2021-09-03 19:33:05 -0600

ModernNoob gravatar image

I am trying to program in C++ to get the GPS data from "/mavros/global_position/global". The code right now ( This is a header file ):

#pragma once

#include <sensor_msgs/NavSatFix.h>
#include <ros/ros.h>

class Localization{
    // Functions

    void receiver(const sensor_msgs::NavSatFixConstPtr&);

    // Constructors
    // Data types
    double latitiude;
    double longitude;
    double altitude;
    const std::string topic {"/mavros/global_position/global"};

void Localization::receiver(const sensor_msgs::NavSatFixConstPtr& fix){
    if (fix->status.status == sensor_msgs::NavSatStatus::STATUS_NO_FIX) {
        ROS_INFO("No fix.");
    latitiude = (*fix).latitude;
    longitude = (*fix).longitude;
    altitude = (*fix).altitude;

    ROS_INFO("Latitude: %f | Longitude: %f | Altitude: %f", latitiude, longitude, altitude);

Localization::Localization(ros::NodeHandle nh){
    ros::Subscriber location = nh.subscribe(topic, 1, receiver);

However, when I tried to build it with catkin_make. I receive the following error:

error: invalid use of non-static member function ‘void Localization::receiver(const NavSatFixConstPtr&)’
     ros::Subscriber location = nh.subscribe(topic, 1, receiver);
/home/kannachan/drone/src/quantum_drone/scripts/missions/gps.h:11:9: note: declared here
    void receiver(const sensor_msgs::NavSatFixConstPtr& fix){
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1 Answer

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answered 2021-09-04 10:15:12 -0600

Your function declaration is missing the argument name “fix”. You can put in that and try again

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I figured it out. I need to rewrite ros::Subscriber location = nh.subscribe(topic, 1, receiver); as ros::Subscriber location = nh.subscribe(topic, 1, &Localization::receiver, this).

ModernNoob gravatar image ModernNoob  ( 2021-09-04 19:19:33 -0600 )edit

oh right, this is a class member, didn't see that..

Fetullah Atas gravatar image Fetullah Atas  ( 2021-09-05 10:03:50 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2021-09-03 19:33:05 -0600

Seen: 84 times

Last updated: Sep 04 '21