rviz2 requests data ahead of system clock -> requires extrapolation into the future
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to visualize LaserScan data from the map frame and I get the 'requires extrapolation into the future'-error. However, the requested time is actually ahead of the system clock (always almost precisely 71 seconds). The transformation map->odom->base_link->laser_frame seems to work, since the full tree is shown in the tf2 plugin in rviz2 and the LaserScan data can be visualized, when the fixed frame in rviz is set to base_link or laser_frame.
Rviz Error, (the requested time is ahead of the system time, while the "latest data" is spot on the system time):
[ERROR] [1626000928.858451390] [rviz2]: Lookup would require extrapolation into the future. Requested time 1626000999.830946 but the latest data is at time 1626000928.843655, when looking up transform from frame [laser_frame] to frame [map]
- My own written node publishes the LaserScan and the header's stamp corresponds to the system time
- The base_link->laser_frame transformation is published by the robot_state_publisher
- The odom->base_link transformation is published by the ekf_node from robot_localization. I tried publishing it directly from my Odometry node, but nothing changed.
- For now, the map->odom transformation is a static_transform_publisher
When running tf2_monitor I get these results:
RESULTS: for all Frames
Frame: base_link, published by <no authority available>, Average Delay: 0.00016122, Max Delay: 0.00232911
Frame: laser_frame, published by <no authority available>, Average Delay: 0.000118047, Max Delay: 0.00148201
Frame: odom, published by <no authority available>, Average Delay: 82.28, Max Delay: 82.28
All Broadcasters:
Node: <no authority available> 100.011 Hz, Average Delay: 0.000142455 Max Delay: 0.00232911
Has anybody an idea? What can I do, to further debug this problem? I've spent a few days on this problem and I'm absolutely clueless by now, this prevents me also from using Nav2 further down the line...
I'm using Ros2 Foxy and all nodes are running on one machine (Ubuntu 20.04)