rplidarNode double free or corruption (!prev)
I git the rplidar_ros
from github, and then I catkin_make
successfully.But when I launchroslaunch rplidar_ros rplidar.launch
,the error goes
double free or corruption (!prev)
[rplidarNode-2] process has died [pid 4372, exit code -6, cmd /home/sunyang/ros_learner/sy_ws/devel/lib/rplidar_ros/rplidarNode __name:=rplidarNode __log:=/home/sunyang/.ros/log/09635cd6-a8b6-11eb-8d56-3ca06773b371/rplidarNode-2.log]. log file: /home/sunyang/.ros/log/09635cd6-a8b6-11eb-8d56-3ca06773b371/rplidarNode-2*.log
some errors I have excluded:
1.USB authority. I can connect the rplidar but cannot start it successfully. And I also change serial_port authority withsudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0
.But error still exist.
2.The rplidar a1 is still working. I can peacefully work in other computers T^T.
I use ubuntu18.04 with ros-melodic.
Any help or comments will be highly appreciated, thanks!