realsense pointcloud
Hello. I am using a realsense camera. I have a question. Whether it is possible to filter the cloud of points obtained and depth image?
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Hello. I am using a realsense camera. I have a question. Whether it is possible to filter the cloud of points obtained and depth image?
Whether it is possible to filter the cloud of points
Yes, it is possible to filter the cloud point, what you can do you just subscribe to the point cloud topic and you can process the point cloud according to your requirement. I found this link it may be helpful to you.
filter for depth image
The realsense_camera driver is also providing filters for depth stream. They are disparity, spatial, temporal, hole_filling, and decimation. You can get details information in the below two links.
You can comment if you have more doubt about this.
I can also recommend voxel grid filter to downsample massive point cloud data produced by RGBD cameras, which you can learn more about here.
Asked: 2021-04-28 13:49:46 -0500
Seen: 899 times
Last updated: Dec 28 '22
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