Differences between effort_controllers and velocity_controllers?

asked 2021-02-01 01:23:05 -0500

Heho gravatar image

As the Wiki has said, both effort_controllers or velocity_controllers have a joint_velocity_controller. What's more, they all use velocity as setpoint.

I also notice that these two kind of controller use different hardware interface in <transmission> tag of URDF files.

Actually, I am wondering that what differences between these two work in simulation?

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Quick comment (as I don't have more time right now): please try to use Google to search for previous Q&As about this topic. Append site:answers.ros.org to your query.

This topic has been discussed a few times already, and I believe your question may even be a (partial) duplicate.

It's not that we don't want to help you, but it's not an efficient use of anyone's time to keep answering the same questions, and it will be much faster for you too, as you won't have to wait on someone to answer your question.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2021-02-01 03:10:12 -0500 )edit

Thanks for reply!

This question may be related to the following

As I understand it, velocity_controller can always let the object move, no matter what the load is. So it means velocity_controller can provide infinite torque(depend on its accerlation?). Well effort_controller could only provide limited torque to the load , which depend on its setpoint.

Heho gravatar image Heho  ( 2021-02-01 09:32:59 -0500 )edit

Hi, I have the same question and I failed to find the satisfied answer. Did you have the answer?

kevin.kuei.0321@gmail.com gravatar image kevin.kuei.0321@gmail.com  ( 2022-04-24 21:31:04 -0500 )edit