Camera feed frame_id
Very new to ROS but I have set up a CSI camera with ROS melodic, running on ubuntu 18.04 (On jetson nano). And I am trying to overlay a pointcloud on it in rviz, however the camera visualization doesn't work as I'd expect. I am getting a For frame [/cam_frame]: Frame [/cam_frame] does not exist. The camera info and topic are recieved and OK and the image visulization works fine.
As far as I could understand I have to add some information to each frame to make this work? How would i do this?
Edit: just saw that the rviz Camera display requires calibration information, while the Image display does not. Going to test with calibration set.
Edit2: Still no luck after calibrating
Edit3: As far as I understood I am going to have to use the SetCameraInfo service to add the data.