which ros distribution is available for ubuntu 20.10
are there any ros distributions avaliable on ubuntu 20.10? I understand noetic will not be released in ubuntu 20.10?
how about ros2?
I did try to replace (lsb_release -sc) to focal, so I could install noetic, but it gave dependencies error, naturally some packages it needed can not be installed on ubuntu 20.10, so that was a fail.
I am trying to get ros on a rpi4 running 20.10, and it seems that canonical has solved many problems that 20.04 had, but now I can not put ros on it.
Best regards, C.
docker is typically used in these cases.
@gvdhoorn I am using docker on RPI4 to run ros for a while. as you might well know, there was a problem with userland libraries for 64bits. raspicam_node was not able to compile with 64bit ubuntu. I actually made a dirty hack to get camera and raspicam_node working in 64 bits.
In the 20.10, I downloaded the official userland libs from github, and then build it without mmal libraries, and applications, which outputed to /opt/vc - again without mmal libraries of applications. Then I copied /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libmmal* into /opt/vc/lib.
then i opened a docker with ros:melodic, and mounted /opt/vc as a volume on the container. went ahead and compiled raspicam_node, and it works!