Measuring topic reading rate
There is a way to measure a ROS topic publishing rate using rostopic hz <topic-name>
. Is there a way to measure the topic reading rate by a node?
Thanks, Izzy
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There is a way to measure a ROS topic publishing rate using rostopic hz <topic-name>
. Is there a way to measure the topic reading rate by a node?
Thanks, Izzy
No, because the reading rate is the same as the publishing rate. A node cannot choose to ignore some of the inbound messages, at least not at the communication layer. Internally of course it can do whatever it wants with those messages, including ignoring them, but that's node specific and cannot be measured by a general tool.
Just adding to this answer, if what you want to do is measure how faster your callback is running, you could in the first line get the time, and in the last line count how much time it takes.
Asked: 2020-10-22 05:47:54 -0600
Seen: 509 times
Last updated: Oct 22 '20
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