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ros1_bridge: Python approach

asked 2020-10-16 11:19:12 -0500


I am using ros1_bridge with custom messages (baxter_core_msgs) and this requires re-compiling the bridge regularly which is pretty long. I ended up writing a custom Python bridge for a few particular messages. Playing with ROS1 / ROS2 modules with the same name is a bit of an issue but is manageable.

I'll be presenting ROS2 for more and more people in the next months and I know some of my audience use a lot of custom ROS1 messages. What brings hope in transitioning from ROS1 to ROS2 is that you can always rely on a bridge while some of the packages are still ROS1. Porting messages to ROS 2 is straightforward but the bridge compilation is an issue to my point of view. So I'd like to be allowed to say that they can just fire up a generic bridge and forget about recompiling a heavy C++ code every time there is an upgrade.

Are there any current works on a generic Python ros1_bridge?

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1 Answer

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answered 2020-10-16 11:32:57 -0500

Dirk Thomas gravatar image

I don't think there is any current work towards this. The main reason is probably that the performance of a Python based bridge will be significantly lower (due to the need to copy the data between C and Python back and forth).

But if that is not an issue for your use cases it would certainly be more convenient to use with custom messages.

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Thanks, indeed it makes sense that a bridge should be as fast as possible. In our case we have a few lightweight messages (similar to JointState of dim. 15 at worst) and Python is far enough.

I guess the good practice with custom messages it to have a dedicated overlay for ros1_bridge as it has to be carefully compiled.

Olivier Kermorgant gravatar image Olivier Kermorgant  ( 2020-10-21 03:58:43 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2020-10-16 11:19:12 -0500

Seen: 349 times

Last updated: Oct 16 '20