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URDF Roll,Pitch,Yaw giving weird results

asked 2020-10-13 14:52:28 -0600

grantgib gravatar image

I am trying to replicate the following robot. The base link is grey and the second link is turquoise

desired configuration

desired configuration with world frame (X-red, Y-Green, Z-Blue)

There are two links (base link in gray) and I am creating a joint between the two links located at the origin and rotated '0 -90deg -60deg' according to the intrinsic xyz tait-bryan angle description

I cannot seem to replicate the image. I have tried assigning the joint origin at

<origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 -1.5708 -1.04719755"/>

or at

<origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="-1.04719755 -1.5708 0"/>

and both give the same result.

This is my complete URDF.

<robot name="angle-check">
        <link name="base">
                <origin xyz="0 0 0"/>
                <mass value="15"/>
                <inertia ixx="0.3" iyy="0.3" izz="0.1" ixy="0" ixz="0" iyz="0"/>
                    <color rgba="0.8 0.8 0.8 1"/>
                    <box size='0.5 0.05 0.05'/>  

    <link name="link1">
            <origin xyz="0 0 0"/>
            <mass value="15"/>
            <inertia ixx="0.3" iyy="0.3" izz="0.1" ixy="0" ixz="0" iyz="0"/>
                <color rgba="0 0.8 0.8 1"/>
                <box size="0.4 0.1 0.05"/>

    <joint name="link1" type="revolute">
        <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 -1.5708 -1.04719755"/>
        <!-- <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="-1.04719755 -1.5708 0"/> -->
        <axis   xyz="0 0 1"/>
        <parent link="base"/>
        <child  link="link1"/>
        <limit  lower="-1.0472" upper="1.0472"/>

Any Help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you

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1 Answer

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answered 2020-10-15 06:58:28 -0600

The following origin of joint configuration solves your problem.

<origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="1.5707 0 1.5707/>

image description

And the movement of the joint will be on the X-axis [Base reference]

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Asked: 2020-10-13 14:52:28 -0600

Seen: 514 times

Last updated: Oct 15 '20