P2OS teleop
I can't get the p2os to function with teleop. I have the p2os board running. When I launch the p2os teleop, it works, but doesn't move (I am aware you have to hold down a button and tried all of them).
thanks in advance,
-Hunter A.
On the pioneer:
allenh1@hmt-lisa:~$ rosrun p2os_driver p2os
[ INFO] [1339516647.279359983]: using serial port: [/dev/ttyUSB0]
[ INFO] [1339516647.346416374]: P2OS connection opening serial port /dev/ttyUSB0...
[ INFO] [1339516647.766984936]: SYNC0
[ INFO] [1339516647.970936556]: turning off NONBLOCK mode...
[ INFO] [1339516648.174984688]: SYNC1
[ INFO] [1339516648.583028887]: SYNC2
[ INFO] [1339516649.195027317]: Done.
Connected to Julie_2, a Pioneer P3DX
[ INFO] [1339516651.631304804]: resetting raw positions
The p2os successfully initializes. Now the joystick driver:
allenh1@hmt-lisa:/opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/p2os/p2os_launch$ roslaunch teleop_joy.launch
... logging to /home/allenh1/.ros/log/6ff3ea14-b4a6-11e1-ad58-0025648c1ab0/roslaunch-hmt-lisa-1125.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server
* /rosdistro
* /deadman_button
* /rosversion
* /axis_vw
* /run_button
* /axis_vy
* /axis_vx
p2os_teleop (p2os_teleop/p2os_teleop)
pioneer_joy_controller (joy/joy_node)
core service [/rosout] found
process[p2os_teleop-1]: started with pid [1134]
process[pioneer_joy_controller-2]: started with pid [1135]
[pioneer_joy_controller-2] process has finished cleanly.
log file: /home/allenh1/.ros/log/6ff3ea14-b4a6-11e1-ad58-0025648c1ab0/pioneer_joy_controller-2*.log
^C[p2os_teleop-1] killing on exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
The joystick node is up. On the host computer, I did a topic list:
allenh1@muri-pc7:~$ rostopic list
Echoing the joystick node, the following error is presented:
allenh1@muri-pc7:~$ rostopic echo joy
ERROR: Cannot load message class for [joy/Joy]. Are your messages built?
Could you please specify the commands you used and be specific on whether you use joystick or keyboard?