Trouble using apt to install ROS Noetic on Raspberry PI
Using a Raspberry Pi 4 with Raspberry Pi OS - Buster. I installed Noetic from source and it's running. I have custom messages and nodes and can pass data between them.
I'm trying to setup rosbridge_server and had to manually install Mongo and a few other libraries using PIP. I'm running into an issue with rosbridge and was told to install those dependencies using rosdep.
So I run rosdep check rosbridge_server and it tells me a number of decencies are missing and to install them with apt but I can't get any to install.
sudo apt install ros-noetic-rosauth says unable to locate package ros-noetic-rosauth.
pi@raspberrypi:/etc/apt/sources.list.d $ cat ros-noetic.list
deb buster main
apt search noetic returns no results either.
I think I have this setup correctly. Any ideas?